
fairly perfect中文什么意思

发音:   用"fairly perfect"造句
  • 比较完善
  • fairly:    adv. 1.公正地,正当地。 2.明白地,清楚地。 3 ...
  • perfect:    adj. 1.完全的,完美的;圆满的,理想的;纯粹的。 ...
  • fairly:    adv. 1.公正地,正当地。 2.明白地,清楚地。 3.适当,相当。 4.完全,简直。 write fairly 写清楚。 fairly good 还好。 I fairly cried with joy. 我简直高兴得叫了起来。 act fairly by all men 〔谚语〕一视同仁。 be fairly beside oneself简直疯了。 be fairly under way 在顺利航行中;完全就绪。 fairly and squarely 光明正大。
  • act fairly:    办事公道
  • fairly ad:    相当好的
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  1. Chapter four it profoundly researches the market operating system of colleges and universities graduates to construct a basic frame of the fairly perfect obtaining employment market operating system for graduates
  2. A fairly perfect approach to reading is expected to get the involvement of better understanding of words for both denotative and connotative meanings , inferential comprehension as well as appreciation , in which various trainings of strategies and techniques are required , and simultaneously the great challenges to teachers have to be taken
  3. Abstract : closing hillsides to facilitate afforestation for 10 years in qingyuan indicated that closing hillsides to facilitate afforestation not only played a positive role in consolidating achievement of wild hill afforestation improving structure of standing forest and increasing forest covergag , but also was fundamental approach to building fairly perfect forestry ecological system


        fairly:    adv. 1.公正地,正当地。 2.明白地,清楚地。 3 ...
        perfect:    adj. 1.完全的,完美的;圆满的,理想的;纯粹的。 ...
        fairly:    adv. 1.公正地,正当地。 2.明白地,清楚地。 3.适当,相当。 4.完全,简直。 write fairly 写清楚。 fairly good 还好。 I fairly cried with joy. 我简直高兴得叫了起来。 act fairly by all men 〔谚语〕一视同仁。 be fairly beside oneself简直疯了。 be fairly under way 在顺利航行中;完全就绪。 fairly and squarely 光明正大。
        act fairly:    办事公道
        fairly ad:    相当好的
        fairly and expeditiously:    公平及迅速地
        fairly earned:    以正当手段挣得的
        fairly good:    相当好
        fairly individual:    相当独特
        fairly soluble:    颇溶的
        fairly soluble in:    颇溶于
        it’s fairly simple:    很简单
        judge fairly:    公正地裁判
        present fairly:    公正反映
        be perfect for:    对于----是十分理想的,完美无缺的
        it is perfect for:    对……妙极了
        perfect:    adj. 1.完全的,完美的;圆满的,理想的;纯粹的。 2.熟练的,精通的 (in)。 3.绝对的,毋容置疑的;分毫不差的,正确的。 4.〔口语〕十足的;厉害的,过分的。 5.【植物;植物学】雌雄(蕊)同花的;具备的。 6.【语法】完成的。 7.【印刷】两面印的。 8.(昆虫)性成熟的。 a perfect actor to play the role 扮演这个角色的理想演员。 a perfect day 一个美满快活的日子。 make a perfect fool of oneself 使自己成为一个不折不扣的傻瓜。 a perfect tennis player 熟练的网球家。 a perfect storm 猛烈的暴风雨。 make perfect 【印刷】两面印刷。 the perfect year 犹太历。 n. 【语法】完成时,完成式。 the present [future, past] perfect 现在[未来,过去]完成式。 vt. 1.完成,贯彻。 2.使完全;使完美;改善,改良。 3.使熟练,使精通。 perfectan invention 完成一项声明。 be constantly perfecting one's skill 对技术精益求精。 perfect oneself in 弄熟,精通。 n. -or 【印刷】两面印刷机。 adv. -ly , -ness n.
        perfect for:    所特有的
        this is perfect:    这很完美
        a fairly simple system of classification:    相当初步的分类系统
        be managed on a fairly large scale:    适度规模经营
        being fairly well off:    小康型
        economy grow fairly rapidly:    经济较快增长
        enjoy a fairly comfortable life:    进入小康
        fairly comfortable life:    小康生活


  1. fairly good 什么意思
  2. fairly individual 什么意思
  3. fairly odd parents breakin da rules 什么意思
  4. fairly odd parents enter the cleft 什么意思
  5. fairly odd parents! the shadow showdown 什么意思
  6. fairly soluble 什么意思
  7. fairly soluble in 什么意思
  8. fairly steady tempo 什么意思
  9. fairly tidy spacious friendly etc 什么意思
  10. fairman 什么意思


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